Sunday, September 23, 2007

Kids Say...."Let My Generation Pay!"

Saw that commercial today with all the little kids suggesting that THEY would vote for politicians who will save Social Security, keep promises, and "fix" health care. That all sounds good I guess as platitudes. But is this a commercial put together by some kid's group?

Ummm, no. It's put together by the AARP. The American Association for the Advancement of Retired People.

It's sort of ironic that an advocacy group for the elderly puts forward kids rather than....well....elderly to argue for keeping their benefits going. That IS what the commercial is really for people to keep benefits going to the elderly and the little kids who will pay that debt in generations to come are being used as shills to push for it.

I am sure these kids have such well-developed political views that they have studied the issue themselves and come to the conclusion that they need to get on television and push to have their future payroll taxes garnished by law to pay for my generation's elderly care.

Now I am not so much opposed to taking care of the elderly....but I do question trotting out little kids who don't know any better as spokespersons for it. It seems rather crass and manipulative.

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